The Collaborative Arts Institute of Chicago closed out its 2014-15 season this month, and with it, my second season shooting for them. Through terrific recital programming, a series of master classes, and expert coachings, CAIC has added a vibrant art-song presence to Chicago's music scene, and I've been happy to see its audience grow at each event. Congratulations to my friends at CAIC on another wonderful season - I was happy to see it all, once again, through the camera.
All photos Β© Copyright 2015 by Elliot Mandel. All rights reserved.

Joshua Hopkins, Kelley O'Connor, Susanna Phillips, Nicholas Phan at Poetry Foundation

Michelle DeYoung and Kevin Murphy at Harold Washington Library

J'nai Bridges at Dixon Stein

John Brancy and Peter Dugan at Logan Center

Maureen Zoltek at Dixon Stein

J'nai Bridges at Dixon Stein

John Brancy and Peter Dugan at Logan Center

Dr. Timothy Cheek coaches Czech singing

Dr. Timothy Cheek coaches Czech singing

Martin Katz coaches French music

Martin Katz coaches French music

Bridget Skaggs performs in a master class