Cedille Records

Music, stars, and a diamond: my year in photos

My view of 2019 included plenty of great music from all over Chicago, especially my photographer debut with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. I braved the polar vortex along Lake Michigan and gazed at the night sky in far west Texas. And right in the middle of all of it, I stepped in front of the camera to ask Bridget a very important question. Wishing you joy and beauty in 2020!

2018 in Portraits

Look at all these wonderful people making the world better with beautiful art! Thanks to all for their trust and enthusiasm. Plus, I joined in and got a new headshot myself. Hair and makeup by Angela Brasington, Christine Sciortino, Kimberly Cox, and Andrea Samuels. Photos © copyright 2018 by Elliot Mandel. All rights reserved.


Well, that was fast.

Spring has come and gone, and I spent most of it among wonderful artists and beautiful moments. Here's a sample of everything I saw: 

The Chicago Children's Choir singing their hearts out in grand spaces. Galas for Bella Voce and Music of the Baroque. A beautiful spring evening on stage at Millennium Park. A surprise proposal and engagement tomfoolery. The Chicago Philharmonic's Scott Speck puts on the conducting gloves. Lots of portraits of lovely and talented artists. And the best rooftop view a photographer could ask for. 

All photos © copyright 2018 by Elliot Mandel. All rights reserved.

2017 in Music Photos

Here is a selection of my year in music photography, leading off with an image from the Chicago Children's Choir that sums up 2017 in general. It's a pretty awesome privilege to be able to do this for a living.  

All photos © copyright 2017 by Elliot Mandel. All rights reserved.

Cedille's 25th Anniversary Showcase

Part 1 of a two-concert day for me, in which I photograph four fantastic ensembles in two hours during the Cedille Records showcase performance at the Chicago Cultural Center.  Pictured: Patrice Michaels with bassist Larry Gray, violinist Jeff Yang, pianist Elizabeth Doyle; Fifth House Ensemble with Baladino; the Avalon Quartet performing music by Stacy Garrop; and Gaudete Brass Quintet. 

All photos © Copyright 2015 by Elliot Mandel. All rights reserved.

Pacifica Quartet and Anthony McGill make for a perfect afternoon

I am confident saying that Sunday's concert with the Pacifica Quartet and clarinetist Anthony McGill was the most soulful and satisfying performance of Mozart and Brahms that I have ever heard.  So often, the promise of all-star combinations falls short of expectations, but the Pacifica and McGill make music as if they have been performing together as a quintet for 20 years.  Their collaboration is natural, and the music flows with depth and clarity.  The concert also celebrated the quintet's forthcoming release of the same program - Mozart's Clarinet Quintet in A Major and Brahms' Clarinet Quintet in B minor - on Cedille Records in May.  

Not only was I able to hear this exquisite music from behind a camera, but the artists were kind enough to let me hang out with them in the green room during intermission.  I was thrilled to finally meet the Pacifica, an ensemble I've long admired as a reviewer and music lover; and McGill - a Chicago native - may be best known for his performance at President Obama's first Inauguration.  

And to top it all off, my photo of the concert ran in the Sun-Times with Andrew Patner's glowing concert review.  My first photo in a newspaper!  Many thanks to Cedille Records' Jim Ginsburg and University of Chicago Presents' Amy Iwano for a wonderful afternoon.  

Clarinetist Anthony McGill and the Pacifica Quartet during Mozart's Clarinet Quintet.

Clarinetist Anthony McGill and the Pacifica Quartet during Mozart's Clarinet Quintet.

Pacifica Quartet and Anthony McGill 

Pacifica Quartet and Anthony McGill 

Cellist Brandon Vamos studies Brahms during intermission.

Cellist Brandon Vamos studies Brahms during intermission.

Anthony McGill tests out his reeds in the green room. 

Anthony McGill tests out his reeds in the green room. 

My photo on page 26 of the Sun-Times, April 15, 2014.

My photo on page 26 of the Sun-Times, April 15, 2014.