Look at all these wonderful people making the world better with beautiful art! Thanks to all for their trust and enthusiasm. Plus, I joined in and got a new headshot myself. Hair and makeup by Angela Brasington, Christine Sciortino, Kimberly Cox, and Andrea Samuels. Photos Β© copyright 2018 by Elliot Mandel. All rights reserved.
Year in Review: Jazz Photos of 2015
Scenes from the 2015 Collaborative Works Festival
My third season shooting for the Collaborative Arts Institute of Chicago (CAIC) kicked off last week with the 2015 Collaborative Works Festival and four days of fantastic singing. It's an incredible privilege to have such close access to these singers; here are some of my favorite images.
Photos Β© Copyright 2015 by Elliot Mandel. All rights reserved.

Bass-baritone Luca Pisaroni with pianist Craig Terry.

Bass-baritone Luca Pisaroni with pianist Craig Terry.

Bass-baritone Luca Pisaroni with pianist Craig Terry.

Tenor Nicholas Phan and pianist Shannon McGinnis.

Soprano Nicole Heaston and pianist Michael Brown.

Soprano Laquita Mitchell and pianist Shannon McGinnis.

Soprano Nicole Heaston and pianist Michael Brown.

Soprano Laquita Mitchell.

Tenor Nicholas Phan and pianist Michael Brown.

Soprano Nicole Heaston and pianist Shannon McGinnis.

Soprano Laquita Mitchell and pianist Michael Brown.

Soprano Nicole Heaston and pianist Shannon McGinnis.

Soprano Laquita Mitchell and pianist Michael Brown.